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Beautiful Dreamer (포스터, 꿈길에서)

Here is another piano practice with my new digital piano, Yamaha Clavinova CLP-270. Stephen Foster's Beautiful Dreamer is short and easy to play but quite an adorable tune. I recorded the piano part first and then added the melody with "Recorder" patch from XG of CLP-270. CLP-270, actually, provides extremely poor XG set :-(. The "Recorder" is one of the most distinguished among the full of mediocre instruments. I feel sorry for my clumsy fingering and slightly asynchronous notes between the melody and accompaniment as a result.

Listen to Beautiful Dreamer

댓글 2개:

  1. being7111/24/2007

    오래 전,

    음악실에서 친구들하고 합창을 하던 모습이 떠오르네요.

    지금 자정을 막 넘긴 시간이라 졸렸는데,

    좋은 꿈 꿀 거 같습니다.

    요즘 욕심 채우느냐 잠을 못자고 있거든요.

    욕심을 냈으니, 열심히 할 겁니다.

    그럼, 좋은 주말 되세요.(^^)

  2. being71님, 참 아름다운 곡이죠. 좋은 꿈 꾸도록 했다니 다행이네요^^
